Saturday, December 11, 2010

Yesterday we went to my friend's birthday party...Birthday theme - Sizzling Chef party

I did not dress according to the theme..he he he...tak bape rajin la nk follow...

But the birthday guy mmg happening...full of energy & entertaining...The foods are delicious but I did not snap any pic except masa cake cutting jer... I am kinda worried (freakin' scared actually ) coz he placed the foods at the corridor...U know 8th floor corridor with little kids...Seram gak...But as a parents...we are supposed to look after our own kids right? So, syukur la...sumer ok.. 

I think, everybody had fun last night...birthday boy memang fully prepared ...not just foods...but with lucky draws lagi...

Yang datang ...more than 50 peoples. Dalam ramai2 tu...1 of his lady friends came up with an un-suitable dressing code....ermm...sorry if i'm wrong...but i don't think it's ok to wear something like this....


if u are thinking of going for clubbing after that...I think u should wear a jacket or a shawl ni bukan kat club or tepi pool ke...but kat normal apartment and ade majlis doa selamat sekali...

I bukan nk kutuk or ajak mengumpat ye...ha...part tu kena clear sket...

What I want to share today is....before we attend any this case...birthday party la...

Make an effort to ask about the theme, location, itinerary, programmes, guests age range , etc... 

If u are so western pun...ingat2 la that U are still here...surrounded by different class of people...(DAri yang tua...sampai la kanak2)

Ade sorang women yang called herself as "mak tok" ask me "Orang melayu kita ke, tu?" i just nodded my head and smile..

Not being prejudice, I believe...being in a democratic country ..kita mampu untuk pakai pakaian yang buat kita rase comfortable on us..Nak sopan, seksi, etc..pepandai la memasing kan...tak kira la whatever race u are...Nilai - nilai sensitivity tu penting dan perlu ada dalam diri setiap orang...

But the most important part here is...please dress according to the kalau norma norell tau pun dia mesti setuju dgn i ...and to that spaghetti strap girl - u mmg over dress la beb...


  1. I agree with u my fren..Norma Norell terus letak jawatan..maleh nak ambik pusing..dia pun maleh nak jadi hamba fesyen..

    Alah terlampau byk sgt overdress skrg nih. Baju kurung pun ada yg di seksikan...aissh..hancur baju timur tu..ingat x u fwd ada satu fesyen baju kurung pergi kenduri kawin tu. Transparent npk sume...hampeh...
