Saturday, June 5, 2010

Such a long week... Mcm2 ade..hard and easy..but since dah over...let's not write about that...

K, so, semalam I went for a wedding at Sabak Bernam. Erul's cousin. Cuaca panas but windy...Yelah..kampung area...bekalan oxygen pun agak fresh compare to the city , kan?

On the way back, sempat la I snap some of the beautiful sceneries that we seldom see during week days....

I stopped at paddy field area kat situ...and I did bumped into few people yg had the same intention like me...Since the place in so big....we can choose the best angle that we want.. It's just me and my camera.. If the pics looks cool...mmg best la...Nothing can describe the feeling that I had...


  1. Mana gambarnya. Sharelah..Ambik cuti tu nak ke Sabak Bernam.

  2. sabo ... x sempat upload ari tu...
