Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

Semalam, we went to PD again...

Saje la entertain my father sbb dia suka sgt la pg PD ... lagi pun, blh la ktrg sambut father's day skali kan... Tapi sbb last month kan baru pg sana, so, kurang la exited tu.

Tapi this time , just our family jer... I just took very few pictures...tu pun x bape best la... sbb x de mood sgt ler.. cuaca, i got migraine which make me ter-sgt la x stable nyer.... Lps makan ubat plak, mata pun berat...try to stay awake tapi tertidur jgk...

Saturday night, jln2 la kat tapak ekspo @ Teluk Kemang tu... saje la..dah x de aktiviti kan? tapi ktrg sempat la try foot reflexology...It was my 1st time...mase dia tekan kat tapak kaki tu....huiii...punye la sakit... rase nak cabut lari jer...tapi ok gak la...hilang gak ler lenguh2 tu..tapi mmg sakit arr...till today, I still can feel the pain...bese la...sejak dh jarang pg exercise ni, tekan sket pun... sakit ajer...

So, today is the father's day... I mmg x sempat beli present kat dia...tapi the most important, we are gathered to be with him...tapi father is a bit weird la...berhelai2 baju I beli kat dia, he will only wear those during special occasion je..Actually i want him to wear it on his daily basis la...Tuka ler baju yang lelama tu kan... Tapi dia cakap, baju lama ni best...selesa and rase pun sejuk la kan...some people do has their own favourite shirt or pants kan?

My father was quite fierce during my school day... Strict, dicipline, etc...Mcm dictator pun ader..mcm Hitler pun ader..I think...those days, he never make jokes with his children....ntah la..takde rase nyer.. Time tu...rase susah sangat nak faham what actually he want me to be..Too much restrictions was like the world is going to the end know...

Mase tu, mmg hard times la..sbb I never agree with him.and that make me feel unsatisfied..tapi I tak le ikut kate hati time tu...... sbb mmg susah nk proceed further without our father me..

I still remember when I came back late from school like almost Maghrib...or later than that...My father used to wait outside our house with "rotan" at his hand...and me...from the first house in the row, I can clearly see him yang mengalah kan warden penjara tu...with thousands of feeling...he he he....time tu..mcm2 doa la yang I bace...and I wish, I can do some magic just to get rid of pressing the escape button?

But it was through...

tu sume memories yang tak mungkin I lupekan , sampai bila2....

this year , he is 67 years old.. living happily and healthy... and i know, things do happen for a reason...

To my father.... your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever.

Happy father's day to you...


  1. Alrite arah nilai2 murni tu. Semoga cotinue menjadi anak yang baik dan sentiasa menjadi kebangaan ibubapa dunia dan akhirat.
