Sunday, May 15, 2011

My weekend

Assalammuaalikum kpd kawan2 yang masih setia follow blog yang dah bersawang2 nih...

Ada tak di antara kita yang melakukan aktiviti yang kurang berfaedah during weekend ? If ade...try la plan our weekend activity supaya cuti 2 hari tu blh mendatangkan manfaat to ourselves and the  love ones..

Just nak share what i did yesterday..

Semalam , I buat muffin with chocolate filling.. Actually , that was my 2nd trial..The 1st trial , i think about 2-3 weeks back..sedap gak..tapi x selembut yg i expected.. yg semalam..agak best..tapi tak perfect lagi la... semalam , I dah custom sket recipe tu.. buat experiment was not so bad..lupe nak cakap... recipe tu, I got it from my friend who post it at her fb's wall..then she tagged me lar..

It sounds easy try je la..Actually easy coz..80% of the ingredients mmg dah ade kat umah..hihihi

But semalam, I managed to drop by at the bakery's stuff - store.. So, for the 1st time in my life, I bought the piping bag without knowing how to use it..Tapi I bese tengok cooking show kat, it helps..

Anyway, I am quite lucky coz harith & erul pun rajin tolong .. Thanks boys ! hihihi

Today..I bake a chocolate cake..

Ni pun the same friend yang send the recipe through my email..thanks manoma..tak kedekut ilmu langsung.. Kek tu pun turn out well.. hmm... tapi kena try lagi..QC tak lps lagi tu..hihhi


  1. Nasib bersawang tp belum berkulat lagi lah..takpe ..I faham ..u kan sibuk sentiasa..

    wow..choc cake tu..jeopardize my career nampak..hahaha..

  2. takde la jeopardize...QC pun tak lopeh laei ..hihihi
