Sunday, March 27, 2011


Nape rase bahang je 2-3 malam ni ek? Siang tadi pun tak hujan pun.. Malam ni, tido kat umah mak je la.. Tu la rutin bila Erul takde ....

Dari Johor....Erul sempat la transit ke rumah last Friday Nite..but currently..dia dah selamat berada di Kota Kinabalu , Sabah...  boring gak bila Erul takde ni..tapi ok la..sebab dok kat umah mak kan... 

Hari Jumaat tu...mmg stressful gile kat opis...Tapi the task that i've been assigned that day...mcm additional work yg tak contribute to my productivity pun.. mcm ...suddenly , hantu kak limah minta report yg i buat but she did not ask the same from others ... tetiba nak investigate la, etc..u know what? some of us tak buat langsung pun report tu...but they are safe sbb no one bother to ask.. 

And she know...who's not and who did...sbb all email are to be cc-ed copy to her kan...

Why is that she must think that I should be punished just sbb ade error yg minor2 tu but she did not punish those yang tak buat langsung tu ek?

When I went back on 6pm on the last Wednesday...few of my colleagues been called up by that hantu and she asked them " what action should we take against her?"...just because I went back early that day? gosh....u know what...even kids can also tell her, when is early and when is late !

Kinda funny also when most of the time...I spent my extra hours to be in the office BUT just because that day I balik awal...U dah sibuk fikir on my punishment ?... SICK la minah ni... 

U know...she can simplify this by strongly reccommend on my application for transfer but ntah la..application tu turn to be not successful pulak..

At least..I still datang keje macam biasa...try to cheer myself..motivate diri sendiri even hati dah terlalu sakit sangat...ALLAH je yang tau...but could u just leave me alone? I just want to work and nothing else matters... 

I dah naik malas nak fikir positive on why is that happened...

U know..when bende2 macam tu dah jadi daily affair...yang positive pun boleh jadi negative.. 

and dah banyak sangat hal yang jadi since she's took over..yang I cite ni...just 2% - 3% jer .

Naik give up pun ade ... seriously..I have no interest in all these stupid things..

Ya ALLAH...bantu lah aku...aku bekerja seperti aku beribadah kepadaMU...kau mudah kan lah urusan aku dalam beribadah ini..aku rase sangat tak berdaya nak tempuh sume ni tapi aku masih lagi melangkah kerana MU...dan aku masih mampu bersabar hanya kerana MU, YA ALLAH...


  1. Wah ..panjang lebar curahan hati. Saja bagi kita in difficult situation. Dah gilo hantu Kak Limah tu..bakor je Arni. Jgn u terbakar dah..

  2. curahan hati...yg dh lama tahan...
