Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Assalammualaikum kawan2 ...

Besok ade farewell party for my officemate..Ong Beng Yee...rase mcm kejap jer 2 mths tender tu..

So mcm bese..I telah di nominate untuk organise / to think / prepare / buy / siapkan sume2..untuk party tu...Mcm bese jugak lah..mmg takde calon yang bertanding and saya pun menang tanpa bertanding yer...

Organize party ni mmg best tapi ade gak lah part2 yang tak best nyer tu.. tapi tak pe la..part yang tak best tu...kite just put aside dulu ek..., 98% of the preparation has been done..


and also ...
  • Paper plates
  • Fork & Spoon
  • Deserts
  • Cards 
  • Simple Deco
Kira dah kowtim arr.. InsyaALLAH..

Some of us are quiet excited for the party..u kan, fun ?

If u have been following my blog, u'll know that my office and library tu takde beza...senyappp...jer.We all don't have a reason nak lepak free2...chit chat or laugh like nobody cares...u chilling out stuff..after office pun...tak appropriate la as long u r still in the premises..

So, since ade party esok..kira excuse la kan? erkk..boleh ke camtu?

My division, this months jer dah 2 orang resign...include Ong, jadi 3 org..another will be on the following mth..

So, each of the department, dah buat 2 farewell party..which I noticed...their party was..ok2 la..

So, since tomorrow is our turn..Bukan nak compete ape pun sbb bkn nye dapat hadiah pun ..tapi tgk la.. I just want it to be fun & happening..hahahaha...happening ke bende kan...takut gak if tetiba, datang plak adhoc matters, customer complaint la...Bank Negara complaint la...mau terbantut aku esok! Harap2...sume ok la kan...

Foods pun I dah order dengan sorang Mualaf Hawai yg bisnes kat food court opis ni.. dia kater nama dia Sheriff .. since dah kawin dgn melayu ni..bukan jadi shariff ker? ish...pepandai plak kite tuka2 nama dia kan? Ikut ske ati plak yer..erm..tapi betul ape ?..huhuhu

I inform him that I want it to be well presented..blh ke request camtu? budget ciput..mintak memacam plak kan...hahaha....lantak la..customer is king , gitew..So tadi I am consider mcm king la kan? hihihi..and tomorow oso... hado?


  1. Mcmana Library pun enterframe dlm entry u nih..

    Food very tempting and the party very inspiring..aii x lama lagi boleh lah jadi party planner..Si Sheriff tu lepas ni blh di ketengahkan..presentable food deco..I like..

    Drinks tu x tahan..

  2. si sheriff tu mmg btl2 mengikut arahan la hjh...
