Tuesday, July 5, 2011

3 hari je lagi..


Pejam celik pejam celik...lagi 3 hari je lagi saya akan meninggalkan tanahair bersama keluarga tercinta... Akhirnya, persiapan yang berbulan - bulan lamanya, akan sampai ke penghujungnya..hihihi...how do i feel now, ya?..hmmmm...a little excited but controllable...

Last Saturday, erul and me had packed our winter clothes plus all the compulsory gear from head to toe to be kept in the luggage.. then, I had arranged the other clothes like pants, t-shirt etc which been selected...to be kiv-ed and placed it at one corner...senang nak tengok kot - kot ade nak replace or not.

As informed by my colleague, Hazreena...immigration sana does not allow any type of dairy food product...dry product pun, depends juga.. So, as advised, I bought few type of Brahim's...paste only tau...yang ada meat tak boleh ...since I am not sure either...I ikut je la..

Masa beli ni, make sure the package are labelled in English yer...senang sikit kerja kita..If not, jenuh jugak nak explain kan ? hihihi. .

Ada jugak yang bagitau, in term of foods..it is not a big issue in Gold Coast. And I had googled for few Malaysian / Asian restaurants yang ada kat area sana..mostly ada middle east cuisine.. hmm..but being me...I want to be prepared for any consequences la...Like what i informed in earlier post...try to minimize our risk ...hahahaha...

Lagi I beli apa ye...Sabun Taharah

Sabun Taharah ni agak wajib jugak lah nak di bawa sekali untuk tujuan...SAMAK...haa...since I am going to use their utensils...jadi...faham - faham je lah kan...

 Then, jangan lupa bawa sekali, wet tissue and pocket tissue...

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