Saturday, February 12, 2011


Salam semua...

sedar dgn tak...hampir 2 bln I amek break from blogging...dalam tempoh tu jugak ade mcm2 acara yang berlangsung sampai tak sempat nak update... tapi I tak kate la...I takde masa nak blog...he he he...mase tu ade...but sometimes..ade gak la hari2 tu...mcm takde idea jer... tapi actually, i need to settle few major and minor things that need some concentrations & patience...

Anyway...I have moved to my new house last month.. Alhamdulillah..everythings goes well .. . The distance pun tak ler jauh sangat dari old house..cuma different mukim jer..

so far...we are happy and so does our kids.. neighbours are cool .. mostly are oldtimers.. ade yang batch mcm my parents pun ade..tapi ok la..last week, I invited them to my house for a small "get together " gathering...sajer ajak makan sambil get to know who's who... seronok gak..tapi I tak sempat nak amek gambar..bese la..bila sumer nyer D.I.Y.. mane ade chance nak pegang2 camera ni..he he he..

OK..I guess..that's all for now..

there's a lot more to, InsyaALLAH..c u guys in my next post. till then, wassalam...


  1. Congrats on ur new home. Jgn lupa jemput klu memanaskan rumah ye..semoga rumahmu, syurgamu...

  2. tenkiu hajah...InsyaALLAH...nnt saya jemput hjh dan rakan2...
