Monday, November 8, 2010


Hari ni...hari untuk berkerja setelah 3 hari dapat cuti free...Happy Deepavali to all my Hindu's friend...

3 hari tu...I tak pi memana pun..dok keeping..he he he...ok gak tu least...blh la berjimat cermat sket..lagi pun cuaca tak bape mengizin kan la...kdg2 panas sangat....kdg2...gelap...macam nak, yg tempat yang paling best untuk berehat ialah...di rumah.

Ni pun cuti sekolah hujung tahun dah dekat...I am quiet bz preparing some activities for my boys to do during the holiday season...dok umah pun ...boring gak...

Just nak share...currently, I live in an apartment surroundings ...mostly are chinese..and there are few Buddhist temple these few days...ntah depa ni ade some celebration going la concert & entertainment activities kat temple area tu...

I ni actually do respect diversity in our culture tapi kan...takkan these kinda thing ,  tak blh di arrange masa weekend ek? Dengan sound system yang sangat kuat...u all pepaham je la...skang ni ...week days....esok nak pi keje lagi.. caner nak tido ni?


  1. Masyarakat 1M'sia camtulah..saling hormat menghormati budaya masing2. Bising pun nak buat camno..

  2. btl la tu...nak wat cano laei kan?
    Hadap je la...lagi pun...time raye pun...kita main mercun mcm drg gak...same je riuh nyer....he he he
