Sunday, August 8, 2010

Annual Dinner

Mines Convention Centre

So...smlm..sampai umah b4 2 am..

Annual Dinner this year ...ok-ok la...but it was quiet simple compared to previous event...Takde special performance from popular artist...but they invited the comedians to do some live comedy on stage... Have u ever heard that...nak bg org nangis, lagi senang dari nak bg org gelak?...hmm..tu la..

I do love stand up comedy...and I love watching Harith Iskandar , Afdlin Shauki, Chris Rock, etc when they do their know how to nail the stories...u know...being creative and fun..and sounds intelligent....not make u sounds like the other way around...

Selalu nyer...this is the time i can see people transform..Since the dinner have a theme...most of the staffs try to dress accordingly...It was a fun nite...watching people with costume with extreme make over... tell ya...u are not going to see them in a normal day....

Some of SDC's clan

Yang mmg bertudung but make it an exception not to wear tu..WALLAHUALAM...we are all adults.. 

Tapi tak kurang jugak..bila dah dress up...manusia2 ni jadi sombong pulak...haii...agaknyer...mesti rase dia dah glam abis kan...kekwat giler..tapi I tgk je la drg ni...rase kelakar pun ader..

Since our sit has been arranged...I did not see most of my friends in the ballroom...jauh2 memasing...

But 1 thing for sure ...everybody mmg dok pray hard to win some of the cool prizes for the lucky draw...yang menang grand prize tu pun...adik yang selalu jumpe I almost everyday to deliver Instruction to solicitors from his department..hmmm....murah rezeki si Ismet hu hu...

Noores , Maryam and Me...

Nnt I upload some of the pics yer...usb cable dgn card reader misplace laa....


  1. Apa nak buat, rezeki x menyebelahi kita. Never depends on luck ok..sebab I pun x dapek apo2. Hal2 mcm dinner ni is always hard luck for me. Sedih..Nevermind there's always nx time. hahaha...

  2. That's what happened when the demand is higher than supply...he he he

    Takpe..kita tumpang gembira je la...

  3. sdc sumer glamor and vogue giler malam tu kan XD

  4. bkn sdc jer..rase mostly yg dtg tu mmg looking great in their own way...u pun samer jugak...he he he
