Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 3

Finally....sampai la ke hari yang di tunggu2..

Last my auntie's family...since my parents could'nt make it ... they went all the way from Penang to show their support and love...touching kan? She even cried when she congratulated me after I went out from the graduation hall...with roses and lunch...Baik kan?...

Thanks to Syikin and Nurul too...Nurul is a final year student kat situ...So, she did a BIG favour when I was there...thanks again...

Cuaca on that day...agak panas jugak.....

It's been 3 years....sume nyer come in package... Between, family, study,friends, etc..Seriously, it's not that easy......

But it's never too late either...


  1. Congrats lah adikku...terharu, tersentuh dan terkesima lah tgk gambar nih. Akak tumpang gembiralah...semoga ilmu yg diperolehi sentiasa dimanfaatkan dunia dan akhirat.

  2. InsyaALLAH...everyday is a learning process...Selagi I sihat dan berkemampuan...InsyaALLAH..I akan cuba untuk proceed further...
