Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 1

So, bergerak ke utara on Sat. at 3.30pm..sampai Butterworth on 6.30pm...

Sampai je sana...rasa tenang jer..sbb nampak laut kot...kat tepi2 laut tu, ade org picnic la, main layang2 nyer...

malas nak stop sbb nk kejar auntie has been waiting since friday..sbb dia ingat my convo will be on Sunday...sampai je kat umah dia..lepak auntie & family live in perkampungan, the environment mmg totally different from other places..

Normally, I will take a walk along the beach ... sambil collect the sea shells...smell the sea the birds and nyer...

This time, pun same...since they put lotsa big bricks to block the wave from reaching the houses...kena go further up if nak jalan2 by the sea side...

Petang tu pun...ade group of birds terbang kat situ...happy je burung tu .. burung pun tau nak enjoy life...

Dari tepi laut ni..blh nampak island a.k.a. Tanjung or org KL panggil...Penang...tengok mcm dekat je...(macam jer...)

Then, activity petang ialah to watch the sunset...if kat KL tak sempat nk tengok pun...tau2 dah malam jer...hi hi hi..

p/s : kelam kabut la arrangement gambar2 ni...hi hi hi.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

nothing's up

My graduation ceremony completed yesterday...So, sampai KL pun around 11.30 pm...
Penat gak sbb schedule pun pack jugak...

I am in the midst of downloading all the photos that i took from saturday to yesterday..

nak arrange ikut sequence ...baru best sket nk cite...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Heading to the North

Hectic day...but luckily it's's been a long day...

I just don't feels like writing about a day that I went through is not fun at all !!!..(LOL)

I am more exited to write about what's going to happen tomorrow and few days ahead..

Heading to the North for my graduation ceremony...I'll be leaving early as I plan to visit my relatives . Last time balik kampung pun...masa raya ari tu..

Do you heard about the tragic air show from today's newspaper? The air show was held in conjunction with the opening ceremony of the university's 23rd convocation...It was more than 1000 students and parents watched in horror as the aircraft exploded in mid air, killing the pilot during the air show...

hmm..sedih kan? In a year..did you notice ... byk kali incident mcm ni jadi kan? I just don't know whether the authorities did or not take any further investigation towards this issue...

What u think?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today, rasa penat jugak la...pack with lotsa things ..

I am trying hard to upload few pics that I took but byk plak technical problem...boring giler tggu uploading lame sgt...and ended not successful...

Takpe...takpe...consider amature ...hi hi hi..

Friday, March 19, 2010


Today , siang tak buat ape sgt...since I am on leave. Just resting.. But lepas Asar, we plan to go to Putrajaya. Plan nak tgk Hot Air Balloon Show...The show started from morning till 9am (as what written in the newspaper and the advertisement..) But when we reached Putrajaya, tak nampak kelibat balloon tu, we decided to drive around till we find the place...

Jap tu dah Maghrib and we stop at Masjid Sultan Mizan a.k.a Masjid Besi...according to the jemaah dlm masjid tu abis before 7pm...earlier than we know...

So, dr plan nk pg tgk show tu...tukar jadi acara menziarah Masjid Besi yg mmg nampak gah dari jauh tu...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's me...

Assalammualaikum & hello to the viewers...

ok....this time.. screaming into the world of blogging...i am doing this after a while ( after being sceptical for so long...maybe) I have no idea what I will write about..
but will try to write about things, news, stuffs, etc...

We are all full and complete people aren't we?

OK, enough already for an introduction. Let's see how it goes.