Saturday, December 4, 2010

My trip to S'pore

Last week..sempat la pi holiday ke Singapore...trip this time is to the Universal Studio...

Last minit, we decided to drive sbb rase lebih practical / comfortable dari naik bus...tapi bese la...sesat2 tu..normal la...kena pulak...S'pore ni , sume nye one, agak payah jugak nak stop at the side and ask people for direction...U know la...well planned city...high way mmg jauh from housing and commercial area...
(The lane to stop at the side pun , susah nak jumpe tau !)

If we just depend on the map....ok gak but map tu is just a reference jer...some of the thing, tak KL ni pun, if u notice, some of the thing still blom update, part ni yang sangat challenging for  a tourist...ha ha ha....

Yang tak best nyer...bila dalam 10 org yang u tanye for direction tu...sume nyer bukan local people...tension gak...time tu terfikir jugak...mane pegi S'porean ni ek? Kat area geylang or orchard tu mmg confirm la ade kan...Tapi we are in the different la

Nasib baik la erul cool jer...dia memang boleh masuk Amazing Race la..

Tapi I do put some preassure on him...sebab at once...feels like throwing off the bloody map la...the time is running pedestrians are really killing me la when they just said "dunno..not local la...etc"...

GPS ? (time ni I tak sempat suruh Maxis roaming my phone line...elok gak, blh save sket...he he he...)

But at last dapat jugak guide from a Singaporean....tapi nak tau camana blh jumpa mamat ni?

Erul pi blocked his motorcycle at the junction so that he can't move...dah macam road bully pun ade......and thank you Mr ....errmmmm...Mr Nice guy... and sorry if we frightened you...he he he...u know...sometimes...kita kena jugak break some rules bila dah emergency sgt...tu nama nyer...Plan D plus... (D for Desperado..ha ha ha) 

but  at works...tu yang penting

Tapi kan..the moment nampak sign board Sentosa Island , jer...waaahhhh....terus hilang sume stress ktrg tu...ha ha ha.....

So, we arrived at Sentosa Island on 11 am plus plus la... masa nak cross bridge jer...mmg dah rase excited sangat..

Some of the pics, I've posted at my fb...I think..U guys have seen those or going to see or don't feels like seeing...oso can...

Syok tau..taking photograph kat sini...banyak sangat benda yang kita nak snap...sampai satu part tu...My fingers are shaking due to non stop shooting...tapi time tu dah malam la...and my models all are tired (actually they are getting sick of me..ha ha ha) asyik suruh possing jer dari siang sampai malam...muka pun memasing dah macam cekodok...mumble2 jer bila I suruh pose..."ala...mama...cepat la..." ye la...letih kan....kesian gak....but I don't care...ha ha ha

But we can see...DSLR's are everywhere...sume nyer...high end jer...phewww ! Impressive.. Berat tau nak pikul...but we did it for the memories...

Dalam Universal Studio ni...ade few stations yang jual some snacks and instant foods like frankfurters, burgers and chips, etc...Luckily dah amek heavy breakfast...lagi pun..nak naik rollercoaster...u should not go if your stomach are still full...

But the soft drinks mmg dah provide energy la..maybe sebab soft drinks and the excitement that we had...tak de la terasa lapar sangat..cuma bila dah lps pkl 6pm...rase macam nak makan..lupa nak cakap..the tickets are inclusive of a meal voucher & souvenir, I pun...pi la kat counter tu nak order some meal for us...

Apparently, the Indonesian staff informed me that their foods are non, beli another drinks je la..and some nachos with cheese...blh la buat alas...


  1. sama lar..aku tukang baca maps tp everytime nk balik hotel mesti sesat punya (salahkan maps lar)..sib baik nan cool sbb dia dh few times g sana & tau tmpt mkn yg best kt sana utk mnghilangkan stress tukang baca maps hehhe...

    challenging betul kan..rasa cam dlm amazing race..

  2. Tapi kan mas, nasib baik la S'pore tu kecik..logik nyer..kite mmg blh sesat sbb kita tak bape familiar...yang aku tau...naik MRT jer...senang cite..

    tapi ..jadi driver mmg blh cool sbb drg just drive jer...jadi tukang baca map yang paling mencabar sekali...mana nak bace map...mana nak tengok nama jalan, sign board...kena plak bila driver yang drive tu....jalan laju jer...mmg blh hilang sabar...he he he

    kira ...kita pun blh masuk amazing race gak la mas...he he he

  3. My last trip tu S'pore waktu I kahwin 28 tahun dulu. Everything is drastically changed now agaknya. I pun akan sesat barat mcm u gak.

    Apa hal x roaming bkn ke patut nya nak test IP4 kat sana. Discussion during lunch time kemain gah lagi tp haram kok roaming.

    Anyway pergi tempat camtu mesti best. I yg tgk all the photos ni pun impressssssss...

  4. Dalam byk2 bende...part roaming tu yg terlupa nk buat...tapi ok gak..1 of the way to save cost...effective tau...old school...
