Hari ni bangun awal jugak.. Awal2 lagi dah rebus ubi keledek...he he he..semangat betul...
Smlm pun I received a call from someone who offers free services on matress cleaning and stuff...Anyway, my uncle yg gave her my hp no...So, she would like me to experience the same thing, la.. Despite, nothing's free in this world..I have no obligations and ask her to drop by to my place today...
So she came somewhere before 11 am as I am half way making the kuih keria ...
She actually buat demos for her machine called Rainbow.... Air cleaning + vacum... Machine tu mmg bagus la as it can clean all the dusk and ape2 yang sgt micro.. Tapi harga pun is not cheap...Almost RM8k..
Tapi I salute la to the sales lady...Dah 50 yrs old...tapi rajin la... dok angkut machine2 ni utk demos...Lagi nak maintain senyum and be friendly to strangers..hmmm...it's not easy to do sales if u don't have the patience...
So, ok...I did not purchase those.. not because that she is not good or the machine ... it is just not the right time for us to buy....With few mega projects to be done this year (perhaps)...
financially?...not recommended , la...
So, she left about 2pm...and I continue making the kuih ...
The kuih completed less than an hour ... It does not turn out well as kuih tu kurang tepung..so, texture dia...soft... sgt2...FAIL ,la...senang cite....he he he...and i guess my methods pun x bape btl sgt.. takpe...experience is the best teacher...
Ingatkan...blh la nk bawak pi opis esok ...sambil meng-offer to kakak2 kesayangan utk menjamah kuih tu...hi hi hi...(u know who u are...) Tapi I dapat rasakan yang I akan mendapat kritikan yang hebat... mengalah kan kritikan Adlin Aman Ramli during konsert AF...
Takpe la...next time, blh improve lg ....(self motivate..hu hu hu)
But for some good reason and being my best buddy in the world, Erul cakap kuih tu sedap....
he he he...
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Cuti ni mmg best la if dapat tido lama sket dr bese, kan? Tapi pagi tadi....I di kejutkan oleh chinese musician yg main muzik masa drg mati tu.... aiyaa...mendayu2 je pepagi tadi... terus menghilangkan mimpi2 indah di pagi hari tadi....
Lps kemas2 umah...terus prepare lunch...haaa....awal ktrg lunch ari ni..dlm 11 am camtu, blh? Sempat la masak kari ayam...sambal belacan, ulam, telur dadar..
Talk about cooking...yes..I enjoy cooking very much...Tapi during week days...I seldom cook.. jarang sampai umah awal...slalu lps Isya' baru sampai umah...
So, weekend mmg slalu nyer akan masak something....
So, smlm ade la beli ubi keledek...Niat nye tu nak masak kuih keria....hiiii... tak brani komen lagi sbb keledek tu still dok cantik lagi kat dalam plastik tu...
Penah ke I buat kuih keria? Emmm...tak penah pun..tapi penah la skali tu tlg2 my arwah tok @ kedah buat kuih tu...(ni cite lbh 10 thn yang lalu..hu hu hu...)
wait n see, aarrrr.....
Lps kemas2 umah...terus prepare lunch...haaa....awal ktrg lunch ari ni..dlm 11 am camtu, blh? Sempat la masak kari ayam...sambal belacan, ulam, telur dadar..
Talk about cooking...yes..I enjoy cooking very much...Tapi during week days...I seldom cook.. jarang sampai umah awal...slalu lps Isya' baru sampai umah...
So, weekend mmg slalu nyer akan masak something....
So, smlm ade la beli ubi keledek...Niat nye tu nak masak kuih keria....hiiii... tak brani komen lagi sbb keledek tu still dok cantik lagi kat dalam plastik tu...
Penah ke I buat kuih keria? Emmm...tak penah pun..tapi penah la skali tu tlg2 my arwah tok @ kedah buat kuih tu...(ni cite lbh 10 thn yang lalu..hu hu hu...)
wait n see, aarrrr.....
Friday, May 28, 2010
Baru lps pusing2 KL..normal weekend routine..Satu hari ni tak kuar pun...One of the best way to rest is just to stay at home... tapi slalu lps Maghrib or Isya' , we will take a ride ... just to get some air outside our house...
Currently, I've been practising my night shooting...the result so far... agak tak ok sgt la.. still not satisfied (actually teruk gak , la)... but i'm trying hard to improve in those area... ISO, exposure, white balance la..hmm...tell me about it...Still need to refer to my reading materials & stuffs
Tadi pun, tak bape ok sgt la..tgk la..if sempat esok, nak pinjam bapak punye flash...(harap2 dia bagi la..)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Satu hari ni dari pagi ...rase malas je nak keje...yela...esok kan cuti Hari Wesak? So kite dapat cuti 3 hari..Bkn ape...penat gak bila dah sampai hari kamis ni...
Tadi sempat tgk video clip for soundtrack "Lagenda Budak Setan"... I am so amazed dgn sinematografi, shot / angle yg photographer tu amek during shooting tu.. perfect sgt...
tempat2 kat dlm clip tu mmg naturally cantik...x yah nk adjust or pening2 nk cari angle dh pun.. mmg best...x blh imagine if i yg jd pengarah clip tu..mesti bangga..cool giler..
Monday, May 17, 2010
Nape orang cakap Monday tu Monday blues ? Adakah sbb kita terlebih tido over the weekend ? or our weekend was just too happening to forget, ke...or it's just ourselves... who don't feels like working on that day...
Most of the movements...agak slow je during Monday...tapi tgk jugak...bila dah banyak sangat ad hoc matters...tak sempat pun nak merasa blues - blues tu..
Like my office...I think most of the time...once I step in jer...I mmg tak sempat nak berangan sampai Hollywood ke, apa. Work task mmg sentiasa bertimbun2 untuk di attend ..As I reach office quiet early every day (Before 8 am), then I will straight away start my day...
Last Friday we had a meeting for our unit...My unit head told that they need us to stay back during week days (and 7 pm is consider early, k..) and come back during weekend due to 2 of my colleagues will be on maternity leave...
Siap warning lagi...if tak follow instructions...don't expect much on our appraisal...and yes...there she goes, la...
The thing is...macam mane nak produce a high quality of works if tak dapat enough rest like any other people? teruk arr...
Actually...you will feel like an alien if you tak stayback till night or come back during the weekend sbb most of the staff do work like that...drg ni yang pi create culture mcm tu konon nye...it is the organization culture...hmm..but think about it..it is the people who created the culture...
Hmmm...bukan ke sume aktiviti tu akan increase the electricity bill, phone bill, water, wages, etc ke?..Kate nak cut cost....
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Yesterday, I attended a seminar in KL. 9am to 5pm... I am a bit late like..10 mins..
Seminar tu pasal "Dare to transform"... hmm... I've been advised by one of my good friend to attend...So...I went...What I learnt from the seminar basically, is not something new... What and how we see ourselves in the next 5 years from now, etc... You see.. Anybody can ask the same question and we have diffferent kind of answer towards it...
Most of the participants told that they'll gonna have a better life than now..like...own a bigger house, luxury cars, financially strong and all the great stuffs...
As for myself...I just said that...in all my life...I just want to have the life that I want..deep inside my heart...only ALLAH knows what is it..
There was a segment whereby all the participants been given a mirror each...and the lights was deemed..and we've been asked to look at the mirror for 20 mins.
During that 20 mins...I saw many type of reactions from all the participants in the room ... Ade yang diam, cry, smile , etc...
The thing is.. every day ... mmg la...I will look at the mirror...but I can't remember...when was the last time I talk to myself...So..when I spent that moment just with myself...The feeling was so deep...till I don't know..should I share it or keep it..
I have mix feelings...happy, sad, ashamed, pity, proud, regret..hmmm...tell me about it..
Then...after 20 mins..the speaker asked...everybody...how do we feel..and when my turn came, I just don't have much to tell...speechless I guess... But it was a magical moment which I realised that all this while, I forget to say sorry to myself and to say thanks as well...
I am sorry because I still not give the best shot in my life...and I want to thank myself for being healthy and strong to live till today despite all the challenges and obstacles that came through..
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Saturday...pg PD..dgn both of my family members...kat Teluk Kemang...best gak sbb tempat tu bz. Ramai org.. Byk aktiviti... but I tak involve in water activity ... Actually, it's not easy to stay close with water if you carry a camera or any electronic stuff...Tak nak amek risiko that will cause me run over budget...he he he
But I do snap some pics of the chicken that I marinated on Thursday... it turns out well after we grilled ...But blh di improve lagi..
Cuaca on Saturday tu panas but from petang Saturday till yesterday...sejuk...je...sbb Hujan....
So, x blh la nk ber-aktiviti ape pun... Plan nak naik banana boat pun...terpaksa la di lupakan...takpe la..Lenkali je la...bukan jauh pun...
Yang penting ..the kids had fun ... and we got to celebrate Mother's Day this year together...
I think ...it's never too late to wish happy mother's day to all my friends and family...
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Nicotine Addiction
Actually...they are not addicted to cigarette...They are just addicted to Nicotine.he he he...and what is Nicotine?
Nicotine is an addictive drug. It causes changes in the brain that make people want to use it more and more. In addition, addictive drugs cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. The good feelings that result when an addictive drug is present — and the bad feelings when it's absent — make breaking any addiction very difficult. Nicotine addiction has historically been one of the hardest addictions to break.
Now...let me share something.....
I have a male friend yang tak smoke even he hang out with smokers, friends who drink and do really wild stuff...He can hang out together but choose not to be like them... I knew him since 1990...till now..dari zaman sekolah ...zaman dia join underground muzik to punk ska.Humble je... .. Nothing has change him..Not even an inch...Dasyat kan? Nak displin kan diri for not being tergoda dgn benda2 yang melalaikan ni..hmmm...it's not gonna be that easy if U are different from the floor...and he is different...
Actually...I bukan nak cite pasal kawan ni sgt pun.The point here is.. .. Nak kuat kan diri ni...Bukan tanggungjawab org lain...diri sendiri yang kena jaga diri sendiri..
Pernah dgr tak...the greatest enemy in our life....is our own self ? I teringat cerita 1 of my cousin...Masa in the process to quit smoking ni....U are actually half normal jugak la sbb that's a habit that u practic for years....tapi..tak la sampai ting tong kan? But U mmg akan battle dgn diri sendiri la epecially bila U mimpi that U smoke but U dh actually successfully stop smoking within few months...part ni yang sakit sket tu...
Takpe...sabar tu penting...
And I pray to ALLAH that i could give the best example to my children as well...
p/s : berhenti je la smoking tu...bukan ade faedah pun. try to get help from the experts.if u can't do that alone.Asyik nak tunggu bulan Ramadhan baru nak buat azam pun payah gak..he he he...Siang puasa...malam dia lawan qada' hisap rokok pulak..hu hu hu hu.......part tu yang tak tahan nak gelak tu...
Monday, May 3, 2010
Many things happened last week...Ntah la...If I could, I just want to forget but not forgiving...Not being cruel but it's just not right...
Ada orang yang suka take advantage over other people weaknesses... yang kesian tu... these type of people are among those who earn respect from public like ustaz, religous expert or officials, etc.... It's a norm when we see that people will easily buy their thoughts and advice due to their background and upbringing...Yela..they look confidence when they talk..Thus, not many will question as we may have a little knowledge in that particular area...
Suddenly today...I remember on one of the best quotes that I heard during a course that I attended in couple of years back...He told ....
"With a lot of knowledge ..it will make you Powerful...and to have a little knowledge means..it is Dangerous.."
trust me, we'll gonna face a lot of trouble if we ignore the fact that knowledge does play a big role in our life, everyday...
and I never forget that ...ever since..
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