Bangun je pagi...my auntie dah prepare breakfast pun..Lps mandi and makan...we lepak kt bangsal tepi umah dia ...sambil tgk laut....sambil sembang2 pasal many things...At that moment, everything that related to WORK matters memang dah totally gone from my head..tu yang best tu..
Then, we decided to go to Penang,,,by ferry. Since that day is not a public holiday, the que is shorter.. plus, less people...more relax, la ...
Normally, we use to visit Penang in group....(sebab nak pegi beraya)...ramai la yang konvoi...so, ade marshall tunjuk jalan, kan? ...but this time...nak cari tempat jual jeruk pun...boleh sesat tau...The place we are looking for is just on our right whereby, we've been searching at the left side over and over again...Nasib baik jumpe (thanks to my nephew... Doh a.k.a Firdaus)
Hot weather...blh pengsan la kalau tak tahan..nasib baik x pengsan...
Then, after the Penang journey completed , we headed to Alor Setar....but decided to proceed to Sintok eventually sebab I need to confirm on the stage photo arrangement for the next day...There are forms to fill & payment to make...
We reached Sintok around 5pm...and it was my first time to be in UUM main campus...
The area are so big...and peaceful...It's just perfect for student...Then, meet up with my cousin sister, Yon a.k.a Nurul...Accounting Final year student...Nasib baik gak dia ade...she show me around and help me managed the things needed for the day..